Sep 18, 2008

"Peanuts, Peanuts, Peanuts!!!!" - Clouds Comp.

I love to create images like these ones, what is in the Gallery's list as Photo Composition. Thanks to the machines we can create imaginary, and use the imagination. Someone told me once that it's only a trick, a couple of "clicks" and it's done. What could I say. Well, it's only the computer that really works, so it's not real. But Indiana Jones, was he real?? Noooo, Gladiator was filmed without any digital retouch!!, "Ahhhh"

Is that so important? Yes it is... for some. The box is the important thing, not what is inside. Really, are we then ignorant about the Message in the Bottle like The Police song once? What really matter is the SMS, not the bottle, or the color of the bottle, or what kind of glass is made of, or if it's recyclable or....

Please, don't look at my pictures, don't. Just Listen. You put the song.

Love and Peace


freak dreamer said...

Instantly favorite!! I love this invited to the dreamland :D

"trick" and "click".. I wish I could made something amazing with those two steps :D

Awesome works, Mr. De La Rua.. as usual..

Tuga7 said...

very cool!

Anonymous said...

Felicidades por estas fotografias! Son espectaculares.

Tu sobrina Patricia