Mar 5, 2008

"Trance" - The Mass Trance Ritual. - Pengerebongan.

The ritual is started with tabuh rah ceremony or shedding some blood through a three cockfight matches. After the cockfight is over the temple congregation come to the temple with their Barong and Rangda, the visiting Barongs and Rangdas from surrounding village also come at this stage of ritual. Then the actual Pengerebongan ceremony is started.
During this summoning ceremony dozens of temple congregation will fall into a state of trance. Each tranced congregations is given a kris dagger and led into the middle courtyard to perform encircling the wantilan (prasawia) ritual. During the parade of encircling the wantilan, the tranced congregations stab their chest, throat or stomach with the kris daggers. The kris daggers are bending under the extraordinary strength of the tranced congregations. (extract from

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